Magic Cool! - Stay Cool!


Hot, hotter, hottest! - The last days were really unbearable. Work was almost impossible and doing sports anyway.

BUT: There is another way! - With the trend from South Africa!


The Magic Cool © 

is placed in cold water for 10 to 30 minutes.  Magic Cool ©
  containes a granulate that saves the cool water and becomes a
  kind of

cools for several hours
prevents by the cooling effect dehydration and sunstroke and
  reduces sweat production by far!
therefore IDEAL for festivals, sports, hot days in the
or just for cooling.
is reuseable for many times


Now of course the all important question(s):

Where do you get the Magic Cool ©? - personally or by request.
What does it cost? - Nothing! But....

you just get the Magic Cool © as a reward for
    donations over 20 €.



Simply go to my betterplace page, click on the "Donate Now" botton, enter data and send me a message with your adress!

                     -> free shipping! <-



Another extra: who shares this post (facebook, twitter, etc.) gets the Magic Cool © already for a donation over 18 !

Magic Cool!.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 7.4 MB

Pictures will follow..