
Visa, Visa, Visa - all in all obviously the biggest and most nerve-recking topic.

The right one should be searched and found at first, which is in my casethat one: Visitor’s visa to engage in voluntary or charitable activities (longer than 3 months)

What I had to get for it?

- a police clearance certificate

- a medical report (affirmation of your doctor that
  you're healthy
in general)

- a radiological report (X-Ray photograph of your torax
  for verification that you don't have tuberculosis;
  should be signed by your radiologist)

you can see, what else I needed..

When even not for the Visa, it's more or less a precondition for having:

- (feels like) 1000 vaccinations - and "Autsch", yes I hate
  getting piiiiiked! --> at least you don't even get them all
  payed by your health insurance company.

  Vaccination Advice you normally get for free in your

  In addition you should start very early with the
  vaccinations, ca. a half year, because some
  vaccinations like Hepatitis A/B need booster

Then I/ you maybe need a international driver license which is a Paper like the old licenses..I'm excited how it's going to be to drive on the left side of the road.